We help newsrooms treat their story's location data with extra TLC so people can easily find news near them or places they care about.
Our approach transforms ordinary news feeds into meaningful, hyperlocal experiences like near-me search, interactive maps, and personalized newsletters.
Geotagging local news uncovers a whole new set of insights about communities you serve.
Our Analytics Dashboard gives you more geographic awareness with street-level and birds-eye views. It brings regional news patterns to life in real-time, including the diversity of coverage across neighborhoods and how that matches local engagement.
Bloom partners with local businesses and services to open new distribution and revenue channels for newsrooms.
Our collaborative network includes companies across different sectors and geographies who all aim to bring meaningful and informed experiences to their local audience.
We've collaborated with journalism students, professors, and researchers at universities to train them with location-based tools and guide them to think of new uses for local news data.